Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tweet Tweet

I'm going to tell you, dear read, something that may upset or shock you. Prepare yourself. Ready?

I officially like Twitter more than Facebook.

I like the quick pace of Twitter. I love that I can 'follow' (which is Twitter's equivalent of Facebook's 'friend') any person or company that has an open account. Most companies and people DO have open accounts. You can always unfollow or block a person or company if you change your mind. I feel as if my world has expanded in a wonderful new way through fascinating and inspirational people. Twitter is helping me to realize how truly we are interwoven. It's motivating me be kinder and more loving to myself and everyone else.

If you don't have a Twitter account (yes, it's free), I suggest that you get one. It's fun, you can learn more about stuff you like, you'll meet new friends (always use caution, though! be safe out there in cyberspace!), and discover new people and things to love. And special Twitter-only coupons, too. You don't have to write any Tweets, you can be a lurker and still get lots of enjoyment and edification.

Thanks to Twitter, I fell in love- and awe!- with ZipList. I've got a thing going for Eat This, Not That too. And I've read some awesome blogs written by wonderful talented people.

Here are some of my favorite recent Tweets. Do you see the theme?

 Motivational Quotes

Quality is not an act, it is a habit. -Aristotle

 Reasonable Diet
The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed. ~~Chinese Proverb

 Reasonable Diet 
 by ConnieScheel
Act as if it were impossible to fail. ~~ Dorothea Brand.

 Reasonable Diet 
 by ConnieScheel
Each time you judge yourself you break your heart. ~Kripal Venanji

 by ConnieScheel
Have you tried out our Recipe Clipper? You can save every one of your favorite recipes from across the web in one place.

 Broken Idiot™
If the loser keeps his smile the winner will loose the thrill of victory.

 Mike Hughes
"The wise man does not lay up his own treasures. The more he gives to others, the more he has for his own." Lao Tzu
 Mike Hughes 

 by ConnieScheel
“Our life is what our thoughts make it.” Marcus Aurelius

 Dr Wayne W Dyer  by ConnieScheel 
People need to be right. If you can remove that issue from your life, you'll save yourself lots of suffering

 J P Fanton  by ConnieScheel
"Be not the slave of your own past." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

 ConiConstantine  by ConnieScheel
if you push yourself further than you've ever you likely won't go back. See what you're made of peeps!

 Slow Food USA  by ConnieScheel
RT @: U have until 4/29 to tell EPA not to allow use of cancer-causing methyl iodide on conventional strawberries 

 Steven Gurgevich PhD  by ConnieScheel
Forgiveness allows you to let go of negative feelings about yourself or another than have been within you far too long. 

 Jack Sh*t  by ConnieScheel
Don't ever let anybody make you feel bad about yourself, stupid.

 Adam Farrah 
 by ConnieScheel
None of us are perfect. We all have our own unique strengths. Don't worry about how you measure up to any one...

And my personal favorite of the week.....

@ We wish you were here too! Make any great meals yet out of the cookbook? Read your blog today, awesome! Thank you:)

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